Our culinary team offers you and your guests an exceptional dining experience. Choose from a variety of fresh, seasonal menu selections that are cooked to order and created to enhance your health and happiness.
Our Dining Team makes every attempt to deliver up-to-date nutrition and allergen information. The information on our website and in our restaurants is obtained through our vendors, the USDA or by individual packaging. Varying factors may alter the formulations of the food we serve. All of our dining locations prepare food containing the top nine food allergens.
The posted information is for general nutritional guidance and informational purposes only. “MyNutrition” is not a health/medical organization and our dining staff cannot provide health or medical advice. The information provided should not be used as a substitute for personal consultation with a physician. You are responsible for consulting with a qualified health professional before starting any specific diet or weight loss regimen. This information should not be relied upon by individuals with specific medical concerns. You are solely responsible to decide which foods to consume and verify the accuracy of the information. Erickson Senior Living, its managed communities and affiliates, are not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from your reliance on the nutritional information that is provided.